SBIR Questions during the Open Period13 May


A phone call to the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) during the open period of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) solicitation is highly recommended. You might want to pose the following questions during this call after first explaining a bit about your innovation:

1. Are multiple awards anticipated?

2. Is one permitted to bid a Phase II instead of a Phase I proposal at the outset?

3. How much innovation does the client expect (incremental improvement versus a revolutionary leap forward)?

4. When testing your innovation, what performance measures does the client desire?

5. As for clinical trials to evaluate performance measures, how many clinical participants would be needed to demonstrate a significant difference between treatment and control groups and over what period of time?

6. What would be an acceptable selling price?

7. How many devices or systems based on your innovation would be needed and when (i.e., address the manufacturing ramp up rate).

8. How urgently is your innovation needed? (i.e., a client in pain is more likely to reach for his/her checkbook).

9. Are companies owned by multiple venture capital firms, hedge funds or equity organizations allowed to bid on this SBIR topic?

10. Were there any previous SBIR contracts (or other types on contracts) on this topic and if so, what was the outcome?

Please check this link for SBIR/STTR solicitation dates.

For small companies: This may seem like an odd question, but if you win an SBIR Phase I for $150K and a Phase II at $1M, can you spend the money? This question pertains to the credibility of your SBIR R&D work plan.

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About Dr. Everson

Prior to forming this autonomous vehicle consultant practice, Dr. Jeffrey Everson was director of business development for QinetiQ North America’s Technology Solutions Group (previously Foster-Miller, Inc.).

Dr. Everson has been the principal investigator for collision warning systems for automobiles and inner-city transit buses. These programs were awarded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). For his work on developing a collision warning system for inner-city transit buses, Everson was the first U.S. Department of Transportation contractor to win an SBIR Tibbetts Award.

Previously Dr. Everson held senior scientist positions at Battelle Memorial Institute, The Analytic Sciences Corporation (TASC), Honeywell Electro Optics Systems Division, and Itek Optical Systems Division.

He holds a PhD in physics from Boston College and a MS/BS in physics from Northeastern University.


For more information about how JHEverson Consulting can help your company with autonomous vehicles, please contact Jeff Everson.

JHEverson Consulting is based in the Boston area but consults for clients throughout North America.